Gina’s husband, Joshua Brent Faillo, was born on April 12, 1971 and passed away on June 5, 2017 at the age of 46 from metastatic melanoma. Gina and Josh have two children, Dominic (17) and Gianna (14). Gina is a Kindergarten teacher at Pleasant Lane Elementary in Lombard, Illinois. Dominic loves to fish, golf, play basketball and volleyball. Gianna is on the track team, loves basketball and volleyball and loves to help in the kitchen. As a family they enjoy cooking, game nights, camping, having bonfires and spending time with family and friends.
When speaking about Clear Ribbon Foundation, Gina says:
"When I laid on my husband’s chest as he took his last breath I wanted to take my last breath as well. I remember immediately feeling a sense of immense emptiness, it’s almost indescribable. How was I going to go on in life without my soulmate? How was I going to raise these two beautiful children alone? The shift in personal reality is beyond startling; it’s life altering, dark, all consuming. Navigating children through grief is gut wrenching and paralyzing at times. A family of 4 one day, and the next day a family of 3. We were broken. I remember reading something that says broken crayons still color. That quote to me was eye opening…..We were broken yet still breathing, still existing, still living. This foundation is meant to help people like me. This foundation is all about giving back. My community came through. They came through in a way that I can only hope to do so for others. We can only hope to help ease some of the pain, the heartache, the struggles, and help put back together some of the broken pieces. There are so many parts to such profound loss. We have walked in your shoes. We have been exactly where you are at this very moment. WE ARE HERE TO TELL YOU…..THIS FOUNDATION WILL NOT LET YOU DO THIS ALONE. "